Committees & Caucuses.

As the highest lawmaking institution in the country, the Senate (Red Chamber) is constitutionally vested with the power of making laws for the peace, order and good governance of the Federation. Similarly, it is empowered to represent the interest, yearnings, aspirations and wellbeing of the citizenry. Also, the apex Parliament is saddled with the power of scrutinizing public institutions and officials to ensure probity and accountability in governance.

In discharging its Constitutional mandate, Section 62 (1) of the Constitution of the Federal republic of Nigeria (1999) empowers the National Assembly (Senate and the House of Representatives) to appoint Committees of special and general purpose as may be considered expedient. Accordingly, members of the Senate are distributed into various Committees for the smooth discharge of their legislative duties. In addition to their other responsibilities, Members of the National Assembly are appointed by the Majority and Minority Leaders to serve on committees.

A Committee is a unit within a legislative chamber that allows groups of legislators to review policies, propose bills and report back to the chamber. Committees are created for the purpose of satisfying the need for specialization and division of labour in law making. Towards this end, most committees in the National Assembly are created in line with the existing mandate of ministries, departments and agencies in government.

Unlike Committees, Members can usually join a Caucus without being appointed and there’s no limit on the number of members. Caucuses generally serve to build voting blocks and coalitions.

Some general functions of Committees include:

Types of Committees.

There are various types of Committees. They include:

Note: Committees are powered by Secretariats, which are headed by Clerks and other committee staff. To further support their work and the work of their committees, legislators often hire personal staff and legislative aides to assist them.

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