Enabling Civil Society Participation to Advance Good Governance & Sustainable Development

In their various roles as watchdogs, advocates, amplifiers, agents of transformation and active supporters of sustainable democracy and development, civil society organizations bring immense and immeasurable value to society. Based on comparative research, available evidence indicates that countries with the largest civil society coordination have experienced successful and comprehensive development. This is what informed the establishment of AJUBBA.

AJUBBA is structured to establish a strong network of civil society organizations for improved participation and the enhancement of their engagement, impact and effectiveness in the national development process.

Civil society plays a critical role in fostering advocacy and mediation in policy development, identifying crucial development priorities, proposing practical solutions and policy opportunities, and criticizing impractical or problematic policies. They serve as agents of accountability, defenders of human rights and active promoters of good governance, which makes the inclusion of CSOs in development processes highly imperative.

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) continue to play an important role in enhancing transparency and good governance by contributing to increased public dialogue. In the words of the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres -“Civil society organizations link governments and people. They are a vital voice for human rights. When civil society is muzzled, we lose an essential forum for dialogue – and we lose the lifeblood of democracy”.

Charting the path to sustainable national development and inclusive growth will require a ‘whole-of-society, all-hands-on-deck’ approach to activate relevant community-driven action and solutions, and also ensure lasting impact, which forms the basis of the AJUBBA Platform.

AJUBBA aims to mobilize a network of 1,000+ community-based civil society organizations to deploy impact-driven social justice programs and projects at the ward-level (all 62 wards in Abuja), across all 14 priority development impact areas of the 2RUHOPE Action Plan.

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